Monday, May 18, 2009

The night of the mis-understood vegetation

This is one angry carrot, drawn during my angry jerk period. However owing to the fact that I am getting older the angry jerk period might rear its ugly head again and hang around for a bit longer.

But who can tell...

Its raining outside, and it has taken me quite by surprise. I can only hope that no more water comes in through the roof. Kind of ironic I suppose with the fact that I am supposed to be an architect. However I do live in an apartment block, so can hopefully be excused.

I hope everyone has an enjoyable evening and does not have to resort to the use of overly aggresive vegetables to sort out thier issues.

warning: do not try to feed this carrot to you guinea pig.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


sketch from the sketch book, very rough and more of a doodle, was fun to just let the pen run for a while and see what appears...